The Date-A-Base Book Survey Results

Our grateful thanks to everyone who took part in our 2022 survey.

We asked which version of The Date-A-Base Book you preferred, the chronological version or the day by day (sorted by date) version.

There were 114 votes.

The result was fairly evenly split, which confirmed what we suspected.

● Chronological: 59 votes (52%)

● Day by day: 52 votes (48%)

As a result, we will be publishing printed copies of the day by day versions for 2023 to 2027. We’ll let you know when they’re available.

We are also enormously grateful to those of you who emailed us to request other versions and extra features. We loved some of your ideas and we’re working on something special right now. Look out for an announcement in a couple of weeks. We think you’re going to love it too!