
How to Relaunch a Failed Book or Series

This is a follow-up article to How to beat Amazon’s book marketing system. In that article, we saw that Amazon gives your book a thirty-day boost when you first publish it. After that, if it hasn’t done well enough, it sinks without trace. But you can relaunch a failed book or series, and give it a second shot at success.

Why did it fail?

The first step is to think about why the previous book or series failed. It may have been through lack of marketing, or there might have been something wrong with the book or series itself.

Look at your reviews

Reviews are a good place to start, if you have any. Do any of the reviews point out problems? Is the story implausible or full of plot holes? Are the scenes poorly described? Is the plot too predictable (or too unpredictable), or too boring? Is the ending too easy to guess, or a complete let-down?

What about your characters? Could your readers pick them out in a crowd or a police line-up? If not, think about how you could better describe them to make them instantly recognisable. Are they the right characters for the story, the genre, and the market you’re aiming at? Would different characters make a better story or be more appealing to your readers?

NOTE: If you don’t have any reviews, we’ll look at how to fix that in the next article.

Get other writers to help

Have any other writers read your book? If there’s a writer’s group near you, it’s worth going along. The members will read your work and suggest improvements, and you can do the same for them in return. There are plenty of online groups too. If you’re a member of Facebook, search for a writer’s group in your geographic area, or in your genre or subject. Join a group and ask if anyone would be willing to read your book and help you fix the issues. Volunteer to do the same for other members. You might end up forming your own little private group where a few of you read and fix each other’s books.

Another option is to pay an editor to fix the problems.

Your book might just need a quick tidy up, or no changes at all. On the other hand, you might discover that it needs a complete rewrite. Hopefully it won’t take too long to fix the problems.

Fix the title

The next thing to look at is your book’s title. Does it grab your attention like a stunning newspaper headline? Does it make you want to immediately grab the book from the shelf to find out what it’s about? Can you tell what it might be about – or at least which genre it falls into?

If it does none of those things, or it doesn’t do them well, it needs to be changed. Again, a writing group should be able to help you with this. If you’re working on your own, try coming up with some tabloid newspaper-style headlines that describe the story and characters in just a few words. Make those words sensational and over-the-top, and really over-sell it. You can tone it down a little once you’ve come up with something great. (Or, if it’s a comedy, don’t tone it down at all!)

Fix the subtitle

Does your book have a subtitle? If it does, is it any good? Does it clarify or intrigue? If it doesn’t have a subtitle, would it help if it had one?

It’s worth looking at other books in your genre on Amazon or another bookstore to see what other writers have done. Look for books with subtitles and see which ones you like best. Can you give your book a subtitle that’s even better than theirs? Once again, your writing group could help with this.

A new cover

Now let’s take a look at your book’s cover. If you have a printed copy of your book, how does it look when you put it alongside the others on your bookshelf? Does it look like it belongs there? Does it stand out or does it get lost? Is it stunning? Do you feel a desperate urge to pick it up?

Once again, this is something you can try with your writing group. Show them a selection of books in your genre, with yours amongst them. Ask them to choose the one that appeals to them the most. If they don’t pick yours, ask them why. How can you make your cover better than the others you showed them, so they always pick yours?

This isn’t something you can do on your own; you need to involve other people. You might think your cover is fabulous, but your potential readers might be completely turned off by it. You won’t know that, nor how to fix the problems, unless you ask them.

Fix the blurb

So, your new title, subtitle and fabulous cover have convinced someone to take a closer look at your book. What do they look at next? Probably the blurb or book description – the little piece of marketing text that convinces them to buy it. Is yours any good? Does it convince and persuade?

Here’s an easy way to write a blurb. Imagine that your book is a movie and you’re watching the trailer. What would the voiceover say. Listen to that deep, rumbling voice… “In a world where ostriches rule the land and barnacles rule the sea, only one man can save humanity from a fate worse than death. Stan Bean is that man, and these are his adventures.”

Then briefly explain why the world is like it is and who Stan Bean is. Mention a couple of the things he gets up to as he struggles to put things right. Don’t give the ending away, but pose two or three questions that hook readers in. Will Stan succeed, or is humanity doomed? Will he be forced to marry the Barnacle Princess and father their children? Or will the ostriches kick him to death before the end of the first act?

(I just made that blurb up, and I really want to write the story now!)

End the blurb by saying that your book would be perfect for fans of [whatever type of story it is] and authors like [name two or three famous authors in your genre whose stories are similar(ish) to yours].

If you need more help writing great blurbs, follow Bryan Cohen on Facebook. He holds regular free classes – and even Amazon recommends him.

Don’t forget to choose some awesome keywords, as we discussed in the previous article.

Time to republish … but first some marketing

You’re almost ready to relaunch your failed book or series and turn it into a big success. The problem is, if you publish it the same way you did before, you’ll end up with another failure. You don’t want that. So you need to do some marketing before you publish it.

But first, let’s get rid of the old book or series. Sign into Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) or whichever book distributor you used and unpublish it. (Note that Amazon won’t let you delete it, but you can archive it so it doesn’t show up on your bookshelf. It will still be lurking in the background, though, and you’ll be reminded of it whenever delve into your archived books.)

The sneaky relaunch (again)

So, a great way to begin the marketing process is to do what I suggested in the Sneaky Relaunch section of the previous article. Build up a mailing list of at least 300 people before you publish the book, or the first book in the series. If it’s a series, make the first book free if you can. Republish the rest of the books in the series at thirty-day intervals. Make sure there’s a link to the next book in the back of the previous one.

Once you’ve republished your book (or the first in the series), and announced it to your mailing list, it wouldn’t hurt to do some advertising. My advice would be to advertise it heavily for a couple of weeks to give it a big push. We’ll look at advertising in more detail in another article.

Get lots of reviews

Another thing that helps sell books is reviews – you want as many as possible. Over a hundred, ideally. We’ll look at how to get more book reviews in the next article.

More great tips

Would you like some more tips, ideas and advice on how to launch a successful book or series? I have a book! Check out The Fastest Ways to Edit, Publish and Sell Your Book.

How to Win Short Story Contests

A quick online search reveals that hundreds of short story contests are open right now. Some of them are quite prestigious – or at least well worth entering, and definitely worth winning. There are some fantastic prizes on offer, as well as plenty of cash.

But how can you raise your story above everyone else’s and give yourself the best chance of winning? Read on for some great tips from a prize-winning writer and contest judge.

Free entry or pay to enter – which is best?

First, choose your short story contest. Is there a fee to enter it? If there is, many people won’t consider entering it, so your chances are greatly increased.

But it’s not quite as easy as that, because while fees weed out beginners and average writers, they don’t put off serious writers. You’ll be up against stiff competition and your story will need to stand out.

A good thing about paying to enter a short story contest is that you’ll often receive feedback. This can be a valuable. Even if you don’t win, the judge will give you pointers that should significantly increase your chances of winning next time. (If a contest doesn’t offer feedback, maybe skip it for now and choose one that does – there are plenty that do.)

Stick to the rules

So, having chosen a short story contest to enter, what do you do next? Read the rules, of course. You’ll be surprised how many people don’t. For example, if there’s a word count limit, don’t exceed it. Either the judge or the competition organizer will check it, and it can mean instant disqualification.

If you’re given the first sentence, use it exactly as it’s written. Often, writers put the sentence into quotes and treat it as dialogue, even though it wasn’t written that way. Judges’ opinions vary on how to deal with this. Some disqualify them immediately. Your judge might be more lenient, but even so, you’ve labelled yourself as a tricky customer, and he’ll be extra picky. You might still win, but your story will have to be extraordinarily good. (But it ought to be extraordinarily good anyway.)

Similarly, if you’re given a topic or theme, make sure your story’s main focus is on that topic or theme. For example, if you’re asked to write about a dog, you can’t make the story about a cat that’s friends with a dog. It needs to be about a dog that’s friends with a cat. The dog must be the star, not the cat.

Conflict comes first

Once you’ve decided what your story will be about, and who the characters are, you can start writing it, right?

Well, hang on now, let’s not rush this. You can’t just have a story where this happens then that happens, and everything’s fine, the end. Oh no; you’ll have to do better than that. How are you going to make it GOOD?

Judges want to see conflict, and they want it right from the start. It could be:

● internal conflict where the character has to overcome something that’s mentally holding him back

● external conflict where he has to battle his way through a fierce storm or something

● interpersonal conflict where he has to battle against other people to get what he wants

● or an epic combination of two or three of these

In the opening of your story (the first two paragraphs) set the scene, introduce your main character, introduce the conflict, and get your judge well and truly gripped. Make him desperate to read your story to find out what happens.

Unique characters

Now let’s think about your characters. They need to be distinctive not boring, and unique personalities not stereotypes. Slightly exaggerated and over-the-top is good, but bizarre and outlandish is usually not.

Your ideal main character will be someone the judge has never come across before. He won’t be the average person who lives next door to you. There needs to be something fascinating about him. He might be living a quiet life in retirement, but he’ll have seen and done things most people would never see and do. And he’ll use some of his skills and experiences to overcome the conflict in this story.

He’ll probably also have some extraordinary mementos on his walls that give hints about his past. (Don’t forget to mention those!)

Whatever sort of character he is, and whatever he does, you need to make sure the judge knows who he is, and cares about him by the end of the story.

Your character must always be true to his personality in everything he says and does.

Character design tips

Here’s one of my tips for designing a character; I call it the 100 percent trait.

Let’s say one of your characters is known for her aggression. We’ll find out why during the story, but let’s not reveal it just yet. Let’s make her 100 percent aggressive all the time and see how the story plays out. It will probably be too much, so turn it down until she’s recognizably aggressive in every scene, but not so aggressive that it ruins the story.

Give your other characters other traits and do the same with them. If you haven’t come up with a conflict for your story yet, just putting this bunch of characters together should trigger something. But how about forcing them to work together to overcome something or achieve something?

A great story changes your characters. Perhaps the aggressive woman learns that aggression isn’t always the best response, or that there’s no need to be aggressive at all. Perhaps she learns to focus her aggression into a different strength she can call upon when she needs it.

Unique plot

Now that your characters are sorted, let’s look at the plot. Your story should be a kind of obstacle course. You can’t just have your hero walk through it from beginning to end, encounter no problems, and finish unscathed and unchanged. That’s not what a prize-winning story looks like.

Think about what sort of story you’re writing, what your main character wants to achieve, and what you can put in his way. As we saw earlier, it could be physical obstacles or barriers, personal or emotional challenges, stress, pressure, anxiety, a time limit, or whatever fits the story best.

Bear in mind that the person judging your story has read hundreds of short stories before yours, and probably thousands of them. He’s seen it all before – or so he thinks. How can you make your story different – something he hasn’t seen before? That will make him notice you!


Let’s talk about the ending. The most important thing is that you must resolve the conflict you introduced at the beginning. If the judge is left wondering what happened, you’ll almost certainly lose marks. (Occasionally, a truly great story will leave you wondering, but in most cases, everything should be squared off properly.)

Twists and surprises

Twist endings are good, but can you make yours shocking and unexpected? A twist ending shouldn’t come out of nowhere. Once you’ve written the ending, go back and make sure there are enough clues in the story that hint at what will happen at the end. Ideally, you’ll sneak them in so no one really notices them – until the twist comes. Your readers should kick themselves for not spotting the clues you cleverly buried in the text.

Surprises are good too, and they can occur at any time, not just at the end. Again, they must come from the characters and the situation; they can’t just happen for no reason. If the surprise knocks the judge sideways, that’s even better.

Remember the character from earlier who had mementos from his past on his wall. He might use a surprising skill to get out of a tricky situation. Yet the mementos on his wall show he’s done that sort of thing before.

Of course, you don’t necessarily have to show the mementos before he uses his surprising skill. He might return to his house once everything is over and smile at a photo on the wall. It might show him holding a bomb he defused when he was in the Army. That brief scene might make the perfect ending for your story.

Cause a reaction

Your ending needs to cause some sort of reaction: satisfaction, surprise, love, hate, a warm glow, or … something. You don’t want the judge to read your story and think, well that’s ten minutes of my life I just wasted. You want him to think, yes, I really liked that, it can go through to the next round.

More tips

Now let’s look at some other quick tips to help you write prize-winning stories.

Get reading

As I mentioned earlier, judges have read hundreds of stories, if not thousands. Have you? Get reading! You need to know what other writers have written, so you can aspire to be as good as the best ones. You also need to know which plots, situations, characters and phrases other writers have overused and overdone so you can come up with something unique and original.

If you’re wondering what to read, start with the past winners of the contest you’re entering, so you know what sort of thing the judges favour.

Write tightly

Prize-winning writers write tightly, while new writers write too loosely. If you, just, you know, write some nice sentences that, you know, kind of just seem to fit your story, you’re, like, not really going to even win or anything, actually. (Okay, that was an extreme example; I hope your writing was never as loose as that!)

Be more literary

Judges love to see a literary turn of phrase that lifts your writing above other people’s. It’s not “normal” writing, it’s prize-winning writing. It’s hard to explain, but judges know it when they see it. You can develop this skill by reading stories by skilled literary writers. But don’t just copy what they do; find your own way of doing it.

Develop a distinctive writing voice

Try to develop a distinctive writing voice, so that readers can recognize your writing even if your name isn’t on it. This is tricky to pull off; you want your readers to get lost in your stories and characters, not blown away by your brilliant writing. But it’s something the best writers can do ‐ and they win all the prizes.

Here’s an idea that might make your writing more like this. Start by writing your story as a poem. Write it as an actual poem – work hard on it, finish it, and keep polishing it for a week or two, making the rhymes, rhythms, images and phrasing better and better. Then turn it into a story – but keep your favourite poetic phrases.

Edit with friends

Editing your story is important too. But don’t trust your word processor to check your spelling and grammar; get other people to check it too. Your favourite sentence might have a missing word that you overlooked. You’re convinced it’s there, but it isn’t. It could ruin the entire story.

Once they’ve checked it, ask them to read it out loud to you. Listen for any awkwardness. Then fix it.

Get feedback

Ask some other people to give you feedback on your story – to judge it before a real judge sees it.

If you’re serious about becoming a great writer, join an online critique group where you read and review each other’s stories.

And finally …

Avoid clichés like the plague!

Go for it!

I hope you found this article useful and it has encouraged you to analyse your writing and improve it. I hope you’ll also enter some short story contests to see how you get on.

If you’d like more tips and information on entering and winning short story contests, I have a book! Take a look at How to Win Short Story Competitions. I co-wrote it with Geoff Nelder who is a prize-winning author and an experienced competition judge. The book includes two brilliant short stories, including one of Geoff’s.

30 newsworthy historical anniversaries in June 2023

Here are 30 newsworthy and notable historical anniversaries in June 2023
(listed six months in advance so you have time to write about them)

Historical anniversaries are great for “On This Day in History” features, articles, biographies and other anniversary tie-ins. They’re popular with newspaper and magazine readers and radio stations, and editors, producers and presenters love them. They’re easy to research too. You can also turn them into films, documentaries, novels, use them to plan events and exhibitions, and much more. (Find out more at the end of this article.)

We’ve randomly picked one anniversary for each day of the month from The Date-A-Base Book 2023, which lists more than 3,000 anniversaries.

1 Jun 1998 – 25 years ago
The European Central Bank was established in Frankfurt, Germany.

2 Jun 1953 – 70 years ago
The coronation of Queen Elizabeth II at Westminster Abbey, London.
This was also the first event where the British TV audience (20 million) was greater than the radio audience (12 million).

3 Jun 1898 – 125 years ago
Death of Samuel Plimsoll, British politician and social reformer. Best known for devising the Plimsoll line on a ship’s hull that indicates the minimum safe distance between the deck and the water line.

4 Jun 1948 – 75 years ago
Daniel François Malan (commonly known as D. F. Malan) became Prime Minister of South Africa.
He championed Afrikaner nationalism, and his government implemented apartheid.

5 Jun 1963 – 60 years ago
Profumo affair: British Secretary of State for War, John Profumo, resigned after it was revealed he had lied to the House of Commons about his affair with dancer/showgirl Christine Keeler.

6 Jun 1948 – 75 years ago
Death of Louis Lumière, French inventor, photographic pioneer and film-maker. He developed an early film camera and projector with his brother, Auguste, and made the first-ever movie.

7 Jun 1963 – 60 years ago
The Rolling Stones released their first single – a cover version of Chuck Berry’s song Come On.

8 Jun 1948 – 75 years ago
The first Porsche sports car (model 356) was completed. The hand-built aluminium prototype was road-certified on this date, entered into its first race, and won its class. The Porsche 356 would become the company’s first production car, and remained in production until 1965.

9 Jun 1898 – 125 years ago
Britain leased Hong Kong from China for 99 years and it became a British Crown Colony.
(It was transferred back to China in 1997.)

10 Jun 1923 – 100 years ago
Birth of Robert Maxwell, Czech-born British newspaper publisher, media proprietor and politician.
(Died 1991, after which serious discrepancies were found in his company’s finances, and he was found to have misappropriated the Mirror Group pension fund.)

11 Jun 1998 – 25 years ago
Death of Catherine Cookson, British novelist. Known for her stories set in the industrial north-east of England.
At the time of her death she was Britain’s most widely read novelist.

12 Jun 1948 – 75 years ago
The Women’s Armed Services Integration Act was enacted in the USA. It enabled women to serve as regular members of the U.S. Armed Forces.
The first women were sworn in on 7th July. (Before this, women could only serve as nurses in the military, except during times of war.)

13 Jun 1773 – 250 years ago
Birth of Thomas Young, British scientist. He made several notable contributions to science, including the wave theory of light, and studies of eyesight, physiology, language and musical harmony. He also helped translate Egyptian hieroglyphs.
His work influenced later scientists including William Herschel, James Clerk Maxwell and Albert Einstein.

14 Jun 1923 – 100 years ago
American inventor Charles Francis Jenkins transmitted the first moving silhouette images using an experimental wireless television system, which he called ‘Radiovision’.

15 Jun 1993 – 30 years ago
Death of James Hunt, British racing driver, sports writer and television commentator. Formula One world champion in 1976.

16 Jun 1723? – 300 years ago
Birth of Adam Smith, (‘the Father of Economics’), Scottish economist and philosopher.
Known for his book The Wealth of Nations – the first modern work on economics.
(Baptised on this date – his date of birth is unknown.)

17 Jun 1873 – 150 years ago
Women’s suffrage leader Susan B. Anthony was found guilty of voting in the 1872 U.S. presidential election, in which only men were allowed to vote.
She was fined $100 (equivalent to about $2,500 today).

18 Jun 1923 – 100 years ago
The first Checker Cab taxi rolled off the production line in Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA.

19 Jun 1623 – 400 years ago
Birth of Blaise Pascal, French mathematician, physicist, inventor, theologian and philosopher. He invented one of the first mechanical calculators.
The computer programming language Pascal was named in his honour.

20 Jun 1923 or 20 July – 100 years ago
Death of Pancho Villa, Mexican revolutionary and guerilla leader. (Assassinated.)

21 Jun 1948 – 75 years ago
The ship HMT Empire Windrush docked in London, bringing the first large group of immigrants from the West Indies to the UK.

22 Jun 1983 – 40 years ago
The U.S. space shuttle Challenger retrieved a satellite from orbit for the first time.

23 Jun 1993 – 30 years ago
Lorena Bobbitt of Virginia, USA cut off her husband John’s penis with a kitchen knife after he sexually assaulted her. She then drove off and threw the severed penis out of her car window. (It was found and successfully reattached. At her trial the jury found her not guilty due to insanity. She also accused him of raping her, and of causing her actual harm and threatening harm, but he was acquitted.)

24 Jun 1948 to 12 May 1949 – 75 years ago
Cold War: The Berlin Blockade and Airlift.
The Soviet Union began a rail, road and canal blockade of Berlin, cutting off all routes between West Germany and West Berlin.
The Allies launched a massive airlift – over 200,000 flights – to take in nearly 9,000 tons of supplies each day. One plane laden with supplies landed every minute.

25 Jun 1973 – 50 years ago
Watergate scandal: White House Counsel John Dean, testifying before the Watergate committee, became the first official to implicate U.S. President Richard Nixon in the Watergate scandal. He told the committee about an ‘enemies list’ that the White House kept.

26 Jun 1963 – 60 years ago
U.S. President John F. Kennedy visited West Berlin, West Germany, and made his famous declaration ‘Ich bin ein Berliner’ (I am a Berliner) to demonstrate the USA’s support.

27 Jun 2003 – 20 years ago
The USA’s National Do Not Call Registry was launched. It allowed residential phone users to opt out of receiving telemarketing calls.

28 Jun 1973 – 50 years ago
Elections were held for the Northern Ireland Assembly. It began operating on 1st January 1974, but collapsed in May.
It was re-established in 1998 but collapsed again in 2017. The current Assembly was established in 2020.

29 Jun 1933 – 90 years ago
Death of Fatty Arbuckle, American actor, comedian and film director.

30 Jun 1948 – 75 years ago
The invention of the transistor was officially announced.
It was invented by John Bardeen and Walter Brattain at the Bell Telephone Laboratory in Murray Hill, New Jersey, USA in December 1947.
They were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1956.

More anniversaries:

You’ll find hundreds more anniversaries for this month in The Date-A-Base Book 2023. The 2024, 2025 and 2026 and 2027 editions are also available if you work further ahead. The 2028 edition will be available from April 2023. Find out more at

How to use the anniversaries:

If you’d like to know more about how to turn the anniversaries listed here and in The Date-A-Base Books into articles for magazines and newspapers, take a look at our free 68-page guide, Ditch Your Day Job: the easiest way to make a living (or earn some extra cash) as a writer.

It has some terrific bonuses too, including a complete month of anniversaries from The Date-A-Base Book 2023, 301 article-writing ideas and tips, plus a 25 percent discount when you buy two or more editions of The Date-A-Base Book.

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How to beat Amazon’s book marketing system

This article is Part Two of Why authors are writing books faster – and how to do it yourself. This time we’ll look at Amazon’s book marketing system. We’ll see how it rewards big-selling books and punishes smaller sales. We’ll also look at what happens when your book sells well and when it doesn’t. If you want to sell more books, Amazon recommends paid advertising. But we have some great tips that will let you keep your money.

Amazon’s book marketing system: the thirty-day boost

Amazon gives every new book a thirty-day boost in its search results.

If someone searches for some of the words in:

● your book’s title

● its subtitle

● the seven keywords/phrases on the Book Details page

● or your name

there’s a good chance it will appear near the top of Amazon’s search results.

If people buy your book, it will climb higher up the search results. That means more people are likely buy it. And that will make it climb higher still, so even more people will buy it. You’ll be a millionaire in no time!

Well, that’s what you hope. So does Amazon, because they keep thirty to forty percent of the money from each sale.

Go big or go home

But what if your book doesn’t sell as well as you hoped during its thirty-day boost? Well, Amazon wants rid of it. They gave your book a fighting chance, but it’s not going to make them any money. So they “bury” it where it will never be found.

Your book will still appear in the search results somewhere. But you’ll have to hunt through so many pages to find it that it may as well not be there. Result: you’re not going to be a millionaire (sorry).

(NOTE: You can usually find your book by typing the exact title into the search box. But let’s assume you want it to be found by people who have never heard of it.)

Surely there must be something you can do about this terrible tragedy?

Well, yes. A few things, actually.

Everyone recommends this, but it doesn’t work

Let’s start with something that won’t work (in my opinion and experience). Most self-publishing guides say that if your book isn’t selling you should tinker with your seven keywords. You’ll find these on the Book Details page in KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing).

Choose the keywords people are actively searching for and more people will see your book and buy it. That makes sense. So, problem solved, right?

Well, no. Not if you published your book more than thirty days ago and it didn’t sell all that well. Amazon will have “buried” it – as we saw above. Your book still won’t get found, regardless of what you change. And Amazon won’t give it another thirty-day boost.

Changing the title, cover or description (blurb) won’t do much either – for the same reason. (Yet it’s another thing the guides all recommend.)

Swapping your keywords for better ones will increase your book sales. But only if your book is already selling well and it’s visible in the search results.

Obviously, the best time to choose your “better keywords” is before you publish the book.

(NOTE: If you want to know what the best keywords are, take a look at Publisher Rocket.)

So, if changing the keywords (or the title, cover or blurb) doesn’t work, what does?

Amazon’s solution: give us your money

Amazon loves money. Give them some money and they’ll let you advertise your book to their customers.

Your book will still remain buried so deep in the regular search results that it may as well not be there. But it might appear if someone uses one of your ad’s keywords in their search. Your ad will appear in the “sponsored results” section. It might also appear on other books’ pages.

Your ad isn’t guaranteed to appear though, because Amazon use a bidding process for each keyword. This is partly based on how much you’re willing to pay when someone clicks on your ad. It’s also partly based on past book sales.


Let’s say there are four sponsored slots on a page. Five authors have chosen a keyword (such as ‘book marketing’). They’ve bid $0.60, $0,50, $0.40, $0.30 and $0.20 for each click on their ads.

All things being equal, the first four authors’ ads will appear when someone searches for book marketing. The fifth author will lose out.

Hopefully, that fifth author is monitoring his ads and will see they’re not getting any clicks. The solution: give Amazon more money. (Or, in other words, slowly increase the price he’s willing to pay per click.) Once he bids more than $0.30 (in this example) Amazon will show his ad and people should start clicking on it.

Advertising is a fine art

Advertising on Amazon can be a fine art – and an expensive one. You need a great book, a great cover, a great blurb, the right price, lots of reviews. You also need a list of low-cost keywords that people are actively searching for. (Or you could let Amazon choose them for you.)

(NOTE: Some ads let you add a few words to encourage more people to click on them. Getting that text right can also be a fine art.)

If people click on your ad and buy your book, it will start crawling up the regular search results pages again. If lots of people buy it, it could end up right at the top. You might still become a millionaire after all!

Many leading self-published authors spend a fortune on Amazon ads. Some have hundreds of ads running for each book they publish, and they spend tens of thousands of dollars per month. They sell a ton of books as a result. But they won’t be earning anywhere near as much money as their sales figures suggest. (But it can still be a lot of money and some of them are millionaires.)

Advertising on other websites

Another option is to advertise your book on Facebook. This is also a fine art – but a different one. Many authors report that it works well for them, so it’s certainly worthy considering.

Learning about advertising

If you’re interested in advertising on Amazon or Facebook, there are some great books and courses available. Bryan Cohen runs Amazon Ads School. He also has books on Amazon advertising and writing great blurbs (book descriptions). You could also try the courses at Self-Publishing Formula.

The sneaky relaunch

But what if you don’t want to spend a ton of money? Well, you could always relaunch your book.

If your book isn’t selling and Amazon has buried it, you may as well remove it. Go to KDP and click ‘Unpublish’ (you can’t actually delete it).

Now publish your book again. But this time use the title, cover, description and keywords it should have had in the first place. Amazon will regard this as a new book and give you another thirty-day boost. Hopefully you’ll see much better sales this time around. (But you probably won’t. Because you also need to do some book marketing.)

An easy book marketing system

Don’t panic, book marketing isn’t complicated. All it really involves is being in touch with your readers. And you can do that without giving Amazon a penny.

One of the best ways is to have a mailing list.

How it works

Collect potential readers’ email addresses by offering them something in return. You could offer them

● a short story

● the second book in the series (for free)

● a bonus chapter you deleted

● character biographies

● a photo or video tour of the locations where your story takes place

● or whatever else you can think of

It needs to be something readers will want, but it won’t cost you much time or money to create.

Advertise the bonus on your website and in the back of each book.

If you haven’t published the first book yet, you could write short stories featuring the same characters. Publish these on your website, blog, and Facebook page. You could also ask other writers if you can post them on their blogs. And you could try other websites such as – where you can even get paid for posting them.

Sign up here

You’ll need to put a link or sign-up box at the end of each story so readers can leave their email address. Then you can let readers know when you publish your next story or your next (or first) book. Don’t forget to mention your special bonus that they can only get if they join your mailing list.

Email marketing services

You’ll need to use an email marketing service to manage your mailing list and send out the messages. Don’t use your regular email account, because it’s not meant for that – your messages will be marked as spam or junk.

There are lots of email marketing services. Some of the more popular ones include MailChimp, AWeber, ConvertKit and MailerLite, but there are lots more. I recommend checking out a few of them before choosing one.

Your mail service will:

● collect all the new signups to your mailing list

● automatically send them their bonus

● send out your messages (without labelling them as spam)

● and remove any unsubscribes and undeliverable addresses

Some services will let you collect around 2,000 email addresses and send out 12,000 messages per month free of charge. That’s more than enough to get you started. Once you pass 2,000 though, they’ll start charging you a subscription fee.

Some of them charge a fee sooner than this, and some of the fees can be pretty high, so choose your service carefully. Having said that though, if you’ve got 2,000+ people on your list, the fee shouldn’t be a problem. After all, you can now contact 2,000+ people who are eager to hear from you every time you release a new book. Simply write one email, click Send, and (hopefully) you’ll sell 2,000+ books and shoot straight to the top of Amazon’s search results.

If they like you, keep talking

It pays to keep your subscribers “in the loop”. Don’t just contact them when you have a new book out. Send them occasional freebies, such as exclusive short stories and personal photos. Send them teasers to get them excited about the next book. It could just be the title. Or it might be the cover or some hints about the plot. Or how about a short extract that leaves them desperate to know what happens next?

A little help can go a long way

There are lots of other things you can do. For example, if your book has already been published, ask other people to link to it from their websites, blogs, newsletters, and so on.

(TIP: If they’re members of Amazon Associates (which is free to join), Amazon will pay them a small amount every time someone buys your book.)


The best way to sell a ton of books is to build up a decent mailing list before you launch the first book. (Or the first book in a new series.) This will enable you to beat Amazon’s thirty-day rapid-release book marketing system. And you won’t need to spend any money on advertising

Your book should sell well enough during those first thirty days that Amazon keeps it on the first page of its search results. Every other book in the series should do just as well – or even better.

So, as far as book marketing goes, your only expense might be your mailing service subscription.

Find out more

Do you need more information about anything I’ve covered in this article? Would you like more book marketing ideas, tips and advice? I have a book! See The Fastest Way to Edit, Publish and Sell Your Book.

You might also like 75 Money-Spinning Ideas for Self-Publishing and Marketing Your Writing. It’s one of the 35 volumes in the ideas4writers ideas collection.

You can also post a question in the ideas4writers Facebook group or email me at

Free Proofreading by Real People

Editing and proofreading are vitally important, but they can also be expensive. You could do it yourself, but I don’t recommend it. You’re too close to your writing and you’ll see what you think is there, not what is actually there. You need the help of other people. If you’re not yet making a fortune from your writing, you might struggle with this. But don’t worry; in this article you’ll learn how to get free proofreading by real people.

Errors are bad – really bad

We’ve all read books that are full of typos and formatting errors. You might even have come across a few plot holes in novels, and other things that didn’t make any sense. Clearly, the impoverished author (or publisher) saved money by not employing an experienced editor or proofreader.

This reflects badly on the author (even if it was the publisher’s fault). One or two typos might be forgiven, but too many will turn readers off. Some will give up on your book right there and then. Others might persevere to the end, grinding their teeth every time they come across yet another mistake. Either way, they’re unlikely to read anything else you write.

Those who bought Book One in your series won’t come back for Books Two, Three and Four. Once you get a few bad reviews (which you will), you’ll also notice a decline in sales for Book One (even if it’s free). So basic errors can seriously harm your book sales.

Even if you write a new series, employ the world’s best editor, and move to a better publisher, your sales might never be as good as they could be. You might even get some one-star reviews for your new series – even if there are no errors in them. If you look deeper, you’ll notice the reviews were left by people who haven’t read your new series. They’re still talking about the mistakes in your previous one. Nevertheless, reviews like this will put new readers off.

Some of your previous readers might have been planning to give you another chance. But when they see the reviews for your new series, they think, “Oh, his books are still full of typos, I’ll buy something else.” Even if your new series is word-perfect.

What can you do?

There are two ways of fixing this:

1. write your new series under a different name

2. don’t release a book with so many mistakes in the first place

How to get it right

No matter how good a writer you are, you will make mistakes. Your spelling should always be spot-on, thanks to the spelling checker in your word processor. But you’ll also need a decent grammar checker to spot when you’ve misused their, there or they’re; its or it’s; or to, too or two. The grammar checker in your word processor is not up to the job.

I’ve tried most of the more advanced grammar checkers. The only one I recommend is Pro Writing Aid. You can get started for free, so it’s worth giving it a try, but if you want to use it on all your writing projects you’ll have to pay. Pro Writing Aid isn’t perfect. It’s the best of the bunch in my opinion, so it will help. But it won’t catch everything. People are better at this kind of work.

But what if you’re impoverished and you can’t afford their fee? Or you can’t afford to pay for Pro Writing Aid. (Or you have an aversion to spending money, like me?)

That’s what friends are for

You might not be able to write perfect text, but you can certainly publish it.

Before you release your first book, ask some of your friends and family to read it and mark any mistakes they come across. If you don’t have any friends or family, ask other people:

● your colleagues
● neighbours
● librarians
● shop assistants
● waiters
● your dental assistant
● the garage receptionist
● your kids’ teachers
● or your neighbours’ kids’ teachers

You’ll be able to think of someone.

You can even bribe them: tell them you’ll pay them for every mistake they find.

(Warning: only do this after a few people have already read your book and found most of the mistakes. There’s no point in throwing good money away.)

The second time is better

One or two of these people might turn out to be really good at finding mistakes, so you can go straight to them next time.

You might even offer to pay them if your first book is selling well.

If your first book is selling really well, I strongly advise employing a professional editor for your next one. Reedsy is a good place to find professional editors. All the editors on their list have been vetted and have a great track record in the industry.

But this article is aimed at those who can’t afford to hire a professional (yet).

Recruit your readers

Another thing you can do is to put a message in the back of your book, near the link to the next book in your series.

Say something like:

“Hey, Dave here. I realise there might be a few mistakes in this book – sorry about that. I could really use your help. Please tell me about any mistakes you find – no matter how small. In exchange, I’ll send you an exclusive bonus story called … that only goes out to my VIP readers.”

Give your email address so readers can contact you with any mistakes.

Thank them … and rope them in!

If someone reports a mistake, make the correction and send them a reply like this:

“Hey, thanks so much for telling me about the mistake in … I’ve fixed it now. Here’s that bonus story I promised.

Would you be interested in joining my VIP readers list? You’ll get all the other books in the series – for free! – at least a month before they’re published.

All I ask in return is that you let me know of any mistakes you find within two weeks of receiving each copy.”

Your VIP team

You shouldn’t have too many readers in your VIP team: around ten would be a good number. That should be enough to ensure your books are error-free by the time they’re published. It also allows for the fact that some of your VIP team might not respond in time.

Don’t expect your VIP team to remain constant; members will come and go. Some might not respond when you send them your next book, or they might reply too late. If they do this once, you might decide to give them another chance. But if they do it twice, I would delete them and give their place to someone else. There should be no shortage of volunteers. You want an active, highly engaged list of avid readers who are massive fans of your work, fast readers, and really good at finding mistakes.

And that’s how you get free proofreading by real people. So now you can publish perfect text every time.


Would you like more editing and proofreading ideas, tips and advice? I have a book!
117 Painless, Efficient and Awesome Ideas for Editing and Strengthening Your Writing.

The Date-A-Base Book Survey Results

Our grateful thanks to everyone who took part in our 2022 survey.

We asked which version of The Date-A-Base Book you preferred, the chronological version or the day by day (sorted by date) version.

There were 114 votes.

The result was fairly evenly split, which confirmed what we suspected.

● Chronological: 59 votes (52%)

● Day by day: 52 votes (48%)

As a result, we will be publishing printed copies of the day by day versions for 2023 to 2027. We’ll let you know when they’re available.

We are also enormously grateful to those of you who emailed us to request other versions and extra features. We loved some of your ideas and we’re working on something special right now. Look out for an announcement in a couple of weeks. We think you’re going to love it too!

Why authors are writing books faster – and how to do it yourself

How to write books faster. Speedometer showing  words per minute.

There’s a growing trend in today’s writing industry: write books faster.

Faster is better, they say. We’ll see why in a moment.

Writing books quickly doesn’t (necessarily) mean there’s any loss of quality. If anything, the quality of books is improving too. Many self-published books are as good as (or better than) traditionally published books these days.

I’m mainly talking about the writing and editing here. But other aspects, including the cover, blurb, and production can be just as good as books from the leading publishers.

We’ll look at how authors can produce perfect text (at no extra cost) in the next article.

So, why are authors writing faster?

In the case of fiction, series of novels sell far better than standalone novels. Self-published novelists generally make the first book in each series free (or very low cost – but free always works better). Hopefully, readers will love Book One and go on to buy Books Two, Three, Four, and so on.

The trouble is that even the slowest readers can read books faster than we can write them. If the next one isn’t available, and readers can’t even pre-order it, the plan fails.

If you manage to get the reader’s email address, you might entice them back when the next book is available. But otherwise, most readers will never return.

The Solution

The best solution is to write at least four or five books in the series before releasing the first one. Release the first one for free and release the second one at the same time. Make the third one available to pre-order, and release it thirty days after the first two. At the same same, make Book Four available to pre-order, and release that thirty days later.

By this point, your adoring readers will have fallen in love with your stories and characters. They’ll have happily signed up for your mailing list to get the bonuses you offered them. They’ll be willing to wait for the next book in the series – as long as you don’t take too long.

If you follow the rapid-release plan, the next book in your series should always be available to pre-order. Even if you haven’t started writing it yet. (Amazon gives you ninety days to upload the final version.)

What if it doesn’t make enough money?

Of course, there’s also a risk that your brilliant new series might flop completely. You don’t want to waste years of your life writing a series of novels that doesn’t sell. So, once again, faster is better. If you’ve spent four months writing four books, you won’t have wasted too much time. Write a different series instead.

(In a future article, we’ll see how to resurrect a failed series and give it a second shot at success.)

If you have a well-loved series, extending it is a reliable way of making a good living. By the time you release Book Five and beyond, you should know exactly how much money each book will earn.

If you can write books quickly, you could even launch a second series at the same time.

Amazon’s free marketing boost

Many self-published novelists release new books every thirty days because of how Amazon’s marketing works.

Amazon gives each new book a boost in its search results for the first thirty days. If it sells well, that boost will be extended. But if it doesn’t sell, it will drop down to page 30 (or thereabouts) and no one will ever see it.

If you release a new book every thirty days, you can take advantage of this ‘push’.

But that doesn’t just mean writing your book, of course. It also needs to be edited and proofread, and you’ll need a cover and a blurb. And everything will need to be finished and uploaded to Amazon within thirty days. It might sound like a lot of work, but it’s perfectly achievable.

So, how do you write books faster?

To release books this quickly, you need a detailed plan. Not just for each book, but for the whole series – or at least the first three or four books.

If you prefer to make up the story as you go along, this won’t work for you. There’s nothing wrong with writing that way; but you’ll be happier writing one book a year, not one a month. (That’s a different marketing plan that we’ll look at in a future article.)

Okay, back to the rapid-release plan.

● Before you start writing the first book, you’ll already know exactly what happens in every book in the series.

● You’ll have broken each book down into chapters and scenes.

● Bullet points will list every major plot point – and ideally for every minor one too.

● You’ll have a timeline for the series plot and sub-plots

● You’ll also have timelines for the plots and sub-plots in each book.

● Each character will have their own timeline. It will show which scenes they appear in and where they are at the time. It will also show their interactions and relationships with the other characters.

● You’ll know each character intimately. You’ll be able to picture them and hear how they speak. And you’ll know what they’ll do and say in any situation you put them in. Each character will be distinct – in their names, appearance, manner, speech patterns, behaviour, reactions, skill sets, and so on.

It’s all about the planning

Now, you might be thinking it will take you weeks or months to put all of this together. And, yes, it probably will. It’s a necessary part of writing a series on a rapid-release schedule – but it can be enormously enjoyable. You can have scenes that rely on something the characters did several books earlier. And you can have running jokes throughout the series

Software can help

There’s software that can help with the planning process.

● You could use a word processing document, with a page for each book, broken down into bullet points.

● Or you could use a dedicated outliner, such as Workflowy – which I often use to plan my non-fiction books.

Scrivener works like a word processor, but it lists books, chapters and scenes down the side of the screen. You can drag things around if they would work better in a different order. It also has a corkboard so you can see everything visually.

Plottr shows your project as a timeline, with the main plot, sub-plots, chapters, scenes and characters all clearly displayed. It also has built-in plot templates and scene templates to help you plan your story.

● And there are several others, depending on what help you need. We’ll look at these in a future article.

Other people can help too

Writing, editing, proofreading, cover design, writing the blurb, marketing… It can be tricky if you only have thirty days for each book. But if you can persuade other people to help you (ideally for free) you can concentrate on the writing. We’ll look at some ways of doing this in future articles (starting with the next one!)

Going further

Now, obviously there’s a lot more to writing a great series than this.

● You need ideas – and lots of them – and they need to be brilliant.

● Then you need to evaluate them, ditch the bad ones, and expand the best ones.

● You need to know what to research (and what not to). And you need to fill any gaps in your knowledge as quickly as possible.

● You need to find enough time to write all of these books – without giving up your whole life.

● And you need to keep yourself motivated. This can be particularly tricky when you’re writing Book Four, but Book One hasn’t even been published yet. (Especially if you’ve decided you hate the covers. And the titles. And you don’t know if anyone will be interested in the series anyway.)

The benefits

You’ll get an immense feeling of satisfaction from writing and publishing a series that does well. It can make you a decent amount of money too. Readers will tell you how much your stories and characters mean to them. They’ll recommend your books to other people.. They’ll send you drawings of what they think your characters look like. They’ll suggest plots, scenes, characters and jokes you could use. It can be a joyful experience.

(We’ll look at some great ways to connect with your readers in another article.)

Take the next step…

Obviously, I can’t tell you everything you need to know in a short article like this. It would take a whole book. But, good news, I’ve already written it. Check out The Fastest Way to Write Your Book. (And you might also like the follow-up The Fastest Ways to Edit, Publish and Sell Your Book.)

If you need ideas, you’ll find thousands of them, including unique, ready-made storylines, in the ideas4writers ideas collection. The 35 volumes cover everything from plot, characters, settings and dialogue to specific genres like romance, science fiction, thrillers, mystery, comedy, and more.

How to Make a Living as a Writer

In this article, we’ll look at how to make a living as a writer. We’ll start by writing letters and articles for newspapers, magazines and online publications, and graduate to writing books later. No experience necessary – we’re starting from scratch here.

In these troubled times, many of us feel … well, troubled.

If you have a job, you probably hate it and it eats up all your time, but you have to keep working because you need the money. (Even though it’s not nearly enough.)

If you don’t have a job, there are plenty of vacancies, but either they don’t want you or you don’t want them – I mean, who wants that sort of job?

Wouldn’t you rather … write a book or something?

Okay, maybe writing a book is too big a step at this stage if you haven’t written anything before.

(But if you fancy giving it a go, check out my books The Fastest Way to Write Your Book and The Fastest Ways to Edit, Publish and Sell Your Book.)

Let’s start with something simpler

How about writing some letters? That’s easy enough, right?

So, what will you write about?

Well, it needs to be something that interests you (because writing should be fun and interesting) and it needs to be something that interests other people. Does that help?

Okay, so what newspapers and magazines do you read? Do any of them have readers’ letters pages? If not, go shopping and look for an interesting publication that has a letters page. Let’s write a letter for them!

What will you write about?

Historical anniversaries are my suggestion: this day in history, the 100th anniversary of Interpol (September 2023), the 175th anniversary of the invention of chewing gum (also September 2023), that sort of thing. Readers (and radio listeners – another potential market) love this stuff. They’re really easy to research and write, and there are so many that you should always be able find some interesting ones.

Where do you find them?

Well, definitely don’t start by searching online. Yes, there are lists of anniversaries, but they’re not particularly helpful for our purposes. For example, Wikipedia has a long list of anniversaries for each day of the year, but nobody has heard of most of them, most of them aren’t notable (as I’ll explain below), and a lot of the dates and facts are just plain wrong. You could waste a lot of time here – or write a letter or article that’s full of errors, which is even worse.

Wouldn’t it be better if there was a book that listed all the good anniversaries months in advance, and they had all been properly checked? There is! Check out The Date-A-Base Book.

(Don’t rush off and buy a copy just yet. I’ll show you how to get some of the anniversaries for free – as well as other bonuses – at the end of this article.)

How to do it

Let’s jump ahead: you now have a good list of notable anniversaries in front of you.

1. Choose an anniversary

Browse through them and have a look for one that’s interesting (to you and to the readers of whichever newspaper or magazine you chose).

There’s no shortage of great anniversaries to choose from – there are at least 3,000 in each annual edition of The Date-A-Base Book.

2. Select a market

Let’s say you’re really interested in cycling (for example). So are lots of other people. And there are several good cycling magazines available. You’ve found one that has a readers’ letters page and a “star letter” spot too, for which you can win a small prize. Perfect!

Now, hunt through your list for some good cycling anniversaries: a notable race, the birth or death of a famous cyclists, the invention of an important bicycle component, the founding of a major bicycle manufacturer – anything like. It needs to be a notable anniversary – the 50th, 75th, 100th or 150th, for example – not the 23rd, 87th or 119th, which no one is particularly interested in.

(The Date-A-Base Book only lists notable anniversaries.)

3. A little bit of research

Once you’ve chosen your anniversary, you can look it up online. Google is the best starting point. Wikipedia isn’t bad either. But don’t trust anything they say without checking it properly.

See what you can find out about the anniversary. Look for facts that are interesting and intriguing, but most people might not know. You want something that will make your readers say, “Oooh, I never knew that!”

4. Write a letter

And then you can write your letter telling the readers all about it.

Don’t write a long letter: check how long the other letters are, and keep yours around the same length. You won’t have much space, but cram in as much as you can, and make it as entertaining and informative as possible.

If your letter isn’t published, just try again. Choose a different anniversary (or a different cycling magazine), write another letter, and keep trying until you succeed. (You will succeed.)

5. Repeat.

Keep doing this until you’ve had several letters published, and (ideally) won the “star letter” prize at least once as well.

How to make a living as a writer

Now, you might be thinking, why I am writing all these letters if I won’t get paid for writing them? Well, this is all about getting people to notice you – especially the editor.

This would be a great time to ask the editor if he would be interested in some short articles about other anniversaries. Send him a quick email, mention your letters that he’s published, and enclose a sample article to show the sort of article you’re planning to write. Just like your letters, it should be interesting, intriguing, and highly entertaining.

Hopefully he’ll say yes – and he’ll tell you how much he’s willing to pay you for writing them.

After that, just keep sending new articles in every month. You now have a regular slot in the magazine, and a regular income from writing.

You won’t make a living as a writer just by writing small articles for one magazine, of course. But there are other tens of thousands of other magazines in the world, and they’re all just an email away. You might end up with regular slots in dozens of them, if you can write that many articles each month (which you can – see my free guide below!)

And then write a book – the easy way

After a year or two of writing articles, you might have enough of them to fill a book – or, more likely, several books on several different subjects, all of which you’re interested in. Turning them into books is exactly what I suggest you do. And you can mention your books (and where to buy them) at the end of each article you write – so your books should pretty much sell themselves. And then you really will be making a living as a writer!

More information (free!)

By this point, I’m sure you’re crying out for more details and proper instructions. It’s all very well saying things like “turn your articles into books”, for example, but how do you get your books published and printed and distributed? How do you even contact newspaper and magazine editors in the first place? What exactly should you say to them to persuade them to accept your articles?

All the information you need is right here in my FREE 68-page guide Ditch Your Day Job. It walks you through the whole process in easy steps.

You get some really useful bonuses too, including a free ebook of 301 article-writing ideas.

Hop over to now to grab your copy of Ditch Your Day Job. It’s a free download, and you’re welcome to forward it to anyone who needs it.


Dave Haslett is the founder of ideas4writers and the author of Ditch Your Day Job, The Date-A-Base Book series, The Fastest Way to Write Your Book, The Fastest Ways to Edit, Publish and Sell Your Book, How to Win Short Story Competitions (co-authored with Geoff Nelder), a 35-volume collection of ideas for writers, and more.

31 newsworthy historical anniversaries in May 2023

Here are 31 newsworthy and notable historical anniversaries in May 2023
(listed six months in advance so you have time to write about them)

Historical anniversaries are great for “On This Day in History” features, articles, biographies and other anniversary tie-ins. They’re popular with newspaper and magazine readers and radio stations, and editors, producers and presenters love them. They’re easy to research too. You can also turn them into films, documentaries, novels, use them to plan events and exhibitions, and much more. (Find out more at the end of this article.)

We’ve randomly picked one anniversary for each day of the month from The Date-A-Base Book 2023, which lists more than 3,000 anniversaries.

1 May 1873 – 150 years ago
Death of David Livingstone, Scottish missionary and explorer. Best known for his search for the sources of the Nile, and for going missing (and being found) in Africa.

2 May 1933 – 90 years ago
The first modern sighting of Scotland’s Loch Ness monster was reported in the Inverness Courier.

3 May 1923 – 100 years ago
U.S. Army Air Service Lieutenants Oakley G. Kelly and John Arthur Macready made the first non-stop coast-to-coast flight across the USA. They flew from New York to San Diego in 26 hours and 50 minutes.

4 May 2003 – 20 years ago
The first member of the horse family to be cloned: a mule named Idaho Gem was born at the University of Idaho, USA.

5 May 1948 – 75 years ago
The Organization of American States was officially founded.

6 May 1953 – 70 years ago
The first successful open-heart surgery on a human, using a heart-lung machine, was performed by John Gibbon in Pennsylvania, USA.

7 May 1963 – 60 years ago
The USA launched the Telstar 2 communications satellite. It transmitted the first colour transatlantic television broadcasts. It was shielded against the radiation that had damaged its predecessor, Telstar 1.

8 May 1933 – 90 years ago
Polythene was discovered (by accident) by chemists Reginald Gibson and Eric Fawcett at ICI in Wallerscote, Cheshire, UK.

9 May 1873 – 150 years ago
Birth of Anton Cermak, Mayor of Chicago (1931–33).
(Shot in 1933 during an assassination attempt on U.S. President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt. He died three weeks later – but most likely from ulcerative colitis rather than the wound.)

10 May 1933 – 90 years ago
The Nazis staged massive public burnings of ‘un-German’ books outside Berlin University.

11 May 1998 – 25 years ago
India exploded three atomic bombs underground – its first nuclear tests for 24 years – violating a global ban on testing and shocking the world. It carried out a second round of tests on 13th May. In response, Pakistan exploded five underground nuclear bombs on 28th May.

12 to 25 May 1943 – 80 years ago
World War II: the Trident Conference (also called the Third Washington Conference) took place in the USA. Delegations led by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt made plans for the next phase of the war. Topics included planning for the Allied invasion of Sicily, setting the date of the Normandy Landings (Operation Overlord/D-Day – 1st May 1944 but later delayed to 6th June), and the progress of the Pacific Campaign.

13 May 1973 – 50 years ago
The first Battle of the Sexes tennis match: Bobby Riggs v. Margaret Court, in Ramona, California, USA. Riggs won the two-set exhibition match.
(On 20th September 1973 Riggs played Billie Jean King in the three-set Battle of the Sexes II. King won.
In 1992, Jimmy Connors played Martina Navratilova in the Battle of the Sexes III. Connors won.)

14 May 1973 – 50 years ago
NASA launched Skylab – the USA’s first manned space station. The first manned mission launched on 25th May, and included three space walks to repair damage that Skylab suffered during launch.

15 May 1948 – 75 years ago
The 1948 Arab–Israeli War began when the Arab states of Egypt, Transjordan, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq invaded Israel in support of the Palestinians.
Saudi Arabia joined the invasion on 18th May.

16 to 17 May 1943 – 80 years ago
World War II – the Dambusters Raid.
Britain’s RAF launched Operation Chastise, deploying bouncing bombs (invented by Barnes Wallace) to bypass anti-torpedo nets and breach dams, causing catastrophic flooding in Germany’s Ruhr Valley.

17 May 1973 – 50 years ago
The Watergate hearings began in the U.S. Senate, and were televised nationally.

18 May 1958 – 65 years ago
Italian racing driver Maria Teresa de Filippis became the first woman to compete in a Formula One Grand Prix.

19 May 1898 – 125 years ago
Death of William Ewart Gladstone, British Prime Minister (1868–74, 1880–85, 1886, 1892–94).

20 May 1873 – 150 years ago
American businessman Levi Strauss and tailor Jacob Davis were granted a U.S. patent for blue jeans.

21 May 1898 – 125 years ago
Birth of Armand Hammer, American business magnate and art collector. Best known as the chairman of Occidental Petroleum (1957–90). He was also known for his close ties with the Soviet Union and for advocating citizen diplomacy.

22 May 1923 – 100 years ago
Stanley Baldwin became British Prime Minister after Bonar Law was diagnosed with terminal cancer and immediately retired.

23 May 1873 – 150 years ago
The North-West Mounted Police was founded in Canada. It became the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in 1920.

24 May 1948 – 75 years ago
Benjamin Britten’s The Beggar’s Opera was performed for the first time, in Cambridge, England.

25 May 1973 – 50 years ago
The album Tubular Bells by Mike Oldfield was released. It was the first album released by Virgin Records.

26 to 27 May 1923 – 100 years ago
The first Le Mans 24 hours endurance motor race was held.

27 May 2003 – 20 years ago
WordPress, the blogging/content management system, was released.

28 May 1993 – 30 years ago
British nurse Beverley Allitt was convicted of killing four children and attacking nine others between February and April 1991 in the children’s ward at Grantham and Kesteven Hospital, Lincolnshire. She was sentenced to 13 concurrent life sentences in a secure hospital and is unlikely to be released.

29 May 1953 – 70 years ago
New Zealand mountaineer Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay became the first people to reach the summit of Mount Everest.

30 May 1848 – 175 years ago
The Mexican–American War officially ended when the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo came into effect.

31 May 1898 – 125 years ago
Birth of Norman Vincent Peale, American clergyman, writer, speaker, and advocate of positive thinking.
Best known for his book The Power of Positive Thinking.

More anniversaries:

You’ll find hundreds more anniversaries for this month in The Date-A-Base Book 2023. The 2024, 2025 and 2026 and 2027 editions are also available if you work further ahead. The 2028 edition will be available from April 2023. Find out more at

How to use the anniversaries:

If you’d like to know more about how to turn the anniversaries listed here and in The Date-A-Base Books into articles for magazines and newspapers, take a look at our free 68-page guide, Ditch Your Day Job: the easiest way to make a living (or earn some extra cash) as a writer.

It has some terrific bonuses too, including a complete month of anniversaries from The Date-A-Base Book 2023, 301 article-writing ideas and tips, plus a 25 percent discount when you buy two or more editions of The Date-A-Base Book.

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How We Create The Date-A-Base Book

You might be wondering how we create The Date-A-Base Book series. It’s a heck of a lot of work, as you’ll see below. But it’s great fun, we learn a lot, and we’ve been doing it for twenty years now, so we’ve got the process pretty well nailed down. But, as you’ll also see, there’s still plenty of room for improvement – when the technology allows.

Step 1: Data collection

We create the books in a five-year cycle, as we’ll explain below.

Every five years we visit fifteen or so websites that list historical anniversaries, including Wikipedia, Encyclopaedia Britannica,, and several more. None of them are as accurate as we would like, but we deal with that later. We copy the information we need from each site and paste it into a massive text file.

Processing time: about a month.

Step 2: Data processing

The anniversaries are in different date formats, and they all need to be the same. So we do lots of searching, replacing, sorting and manual corrections to fix it.

We then run the file through a piece of software (written by Dave) that:

  • splits the dates into day, month, and year
  • sorts them into years ending 0 and 5, 1 and 6, 2 and 7, 3 and 8, and 4 and 9
  • puts these years into five separate text files

This gives us the raw data for the next five editions of The Date-A-Base Book.

We import the five text files into Microsoft Excel and insert two new columns: the year we’re interested in (for example 2024) and the anniversary (2024 minus the year of the event). We then sort the spreadsheet by anniversary, month, and day of the month.

At this stage we usually have around 36,000 entries for each month.

Processing time: another month.

Step 3: Delete if not a significant year

We now delete the anniversaries we aren’t interested in. For example, we keep the 70th, 75th and 80th anniversaries, but delete the 71st – 74th and the 76th – 79th.

Processing time: one day.

Step 4: Delete the duplicates

Many of the websites we harvested the anniversaries from list the same anniversaries, and we only need them once. So we go through them one by one and delete the duplicates.

Processing time: one week for each of the five files, or about a month in total.

Step 5. Delete if not notable

This is where we put our general knowledge and memories to good use. We have to decide whether each anniversary is newsworthy and notable enough to be included in the book. We go through them several times, using the following criteria, gradually whittling them down:

  • Have we heard of the person or event?
  • Is there an entry in Encyclopaedia Britannica, or an image and a comprehensive entry in Wikipedia?
  • Do we think the person or event is important enough to include in the book?

By the end, around 4,000 anniversaries will remain, but we’ll lose several hundred of them in the next stage.

Processing time: one month for each edition.

Step 6: Cross-checking

After importing the file into Microsoft Word, we go through each anniversary in detail. We check it in Encyclopaedia Britannica again, and on any official websites we can find. We also follow the references in Wikipedia, and make heavy use of Google.

Where there is any disagreement (which there frequently is) we search for obituaries, photos of graves, birth certificates, patent applications, official plaques, and so on.

Quite often, we find that the date given for an anniversary is wrong. Sometimes we can simply correct it or move it to a different month. But hundreds of them will be so completely wrong that they have to be removed.

If we can’t find any official confirmation of the dates or facts, we have to decide whether to include it in the book with a question mark or footnote, or delete it.

As each anniversary is confirmed, we rewrite the description to make it as clear as possible and to conform to our style guide.

We’ll end up with around 3,000 anniversaries that will appear in the book.

Processing time: two to three months for each edition.

Step 7: Layout 1

The Date-A-Base Book is laid out in a grid format, with columns for the anniversary, the date, and the description.

The grid is created in Serif PagePlus X9 (which has been discontinued). We’re hoping to migrate to Affinity Publisher soon, but it doesn’t yet have the Book Plus feature we need.

This stage simply involves lots of copying and pasting.

We also update the title pages and Introduction in each edition, and check that the Table of Contents shows the correct page numbers.

Processing time: about a week.

Step 8: Proofreading

We print a copy of the book and go through it with a red pen, checking date formats, spellings, hyphenation, line breaks, superscripts, and so on. We then make the corrections in PagePlus.

Processing time: about a week.

Step 9: Layout 2

We surveyed readers of The Date-A-Base Book a few years ago and asked which format they preferred – chronological or sorted by date. Half said they wanted chronological and half said they wanted sorted by date. So we publish both versions every year.

For this stage, we go through the chronological version and pick out all the anniversaries dated 1st January and move them to Page 1. Then we go through the anniversaries again, pick out the 2nd January anniversaries and put them after the 1st January entries. And so on for every day of the year. We haven’t found an automated way of doing it (yet).

After a quick proofread to check the line breaks, word wrapping and hyphenation, the British edition is finished.

Processing time: about a week.

Step 10: The USA edition

We surveyed our American readers a few years ago, asking if they were happy to receive the British version. No, they were not. So we create versions for them too.

First, we take the British chronological version, change the Page Size from A4 to Letter, and alter the margins and headers.

We haven’t found any shortcut way of changing the date format from British to American (and believe me we’ve tried) so we have to change them all manually.

Then we change the spellings and punctuation in the descriptions, update the Table of Contents, and give it a brief proofread. The U.S. chronological version is now complete.

We create the U.S. sorted by date version in exactly the same way that we created the British version.

Processing time: two weeks for each edition.

Step 11: The cover

We have a standard cover template, created in Adobe Photoshop, that we use every year.

We change:

  • the year
  • the edition number
  • the number of anniversaries in the book
  • the three images at the bottom of the front cover
  • the spine width – depending on the number of pages

The images illustrate anniversaries from 150, 100, and 50 years ago. We choose anniversaries that are known worldwide, and images that are instantly recognisable (and free to use).

Processing time: about half a day.

Step 12: Publishing

The final step. We create PDF versions of the covers and contents and upload them to Amazon, which prints copies one at a time as customers order them.

We upload the same files to our e-book distributor, Payhip.

Once Amazon has approved the book and given us a link we can send buyers to, we add it to the ideas4writers website.

And then we announce it to the world via our blog, Facebook, Twitter, our mailing list of previous buyers, and so on.

Processing time: two days.


It takes around seven months to create the first edition in a five-year cycle, and about five months for the following four editions.

We work five years ahead, and as I write this at the end of 2022, we’re about to start work on the 2028 edition, which will be released in the spring of 2023. This will be the fifth and last edition in the current five-year cycle. The 2029 edition will be the first in the next cycle, so we’ll need to start work two months earlier next year.

Although it takes us five to seven months to create each edition, you can buy it for just £12.95 (about $14.99 in the USA).

Here are our current editions.