The Date-A-Base Book 2028 (U.S. Edition)

The Date-A-Base Book 2028: 3,580 historical anniversaries in 2028

The Date-A-Base Book 2028. Available as a PDF ebook, printed paperback and Excel spreadsheet. Published by ideas4writers.

Now includes a free Excel spreadsheet!
Sort, group and search the
anniversaries however you like.

Download the 2024 edition for free!

Editions for
, 2027 and 2029
are also available.

More than 3,580 historical anniversaries in 2028.

Includes significant historical events, inventions, discoveries, and famous births and deaths.

Fully cross-checked for accuracy.

Perfect for writers, journalists, broadcasters, producers, production companies, and event planners.

Packed with ideas for newspaper and magazine articles, TV and radio features, films and documentaries, and more.

Ideal for “On This Day in History” features and historical anniversary tie-ins.

Size: 11.5″ x 8.5″ (Letter). 314 pages.

E-book: $16.71 (approx.)
PDF format + free Excel spreadsheet.
(View or print with the free Adobe Reader.)

Paperback: $16.39 (approx.)

Product details

This book gives details of more than 3,580 newsworthy and notable historical anniversaries in 2028.

Every entry has been fully cross-checked with official sources for complete accuracy.

We only list significant anniversaries (for example 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200 years ago) not 17, 54 or 101 years ago.


  • If you buy the e-book edition you will receive two volumes: the anniversaries listed in chronological order and sorted by date. (See the sample pages below.)

    You will also receive a free Excel spreadsheet so you can sort, group and search the anniversaries however you like.


  • If you buy the printed edition the anniversaries are only listed in chronological order.

    We will be happy to send you the e-book version of the sorted-by-date edition plus the spreadsheet too,
    for no extra charge. Just send us a message ( with your proof of purchase.

21st annual edition.

Sample pages
(please view on a larger screen)

Sample page (chronological order)

Anniversary Date
Jan 24, 1328
King Edward III of England married Philippa of Hainault.
Jan 4, 1428
Death of Frederick I, Elector of Saxony (1423–28).
Known as the Belligerent or the Warlike. (Aged 57.)
Jan 12, 1528
The coronation of Gustav I, King of Sweden (1523–60).
Jan 12, 1628
Birth of Charles Perrault, French writer of fairy tales.
His stories include Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Puss in Boots and Sleeping Beauty.
Many of his fairy tales were later adapted by the Brothers Grimm.
(Died 1703, aged 75.)
Jan 20, 1628
Birth of Henry Cromwell, Lord Deputy of Ireland (1657–59).
Son of the English statesman Oliver Cromwell. (Died 1674, aged 46.)
Jan 30, 1628
Birth of George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham, English statesman.
He was a close acquaintance of Kings Charles I and Charles II and fought for Charles I in the English Civil War.
(Died 1687, aged 59, probably from a cold or flu caught while hunting.)
Jan 9, 1777
Birth of Thomas Warton (the younger), English poet, literary historian and critic.
Poet Laureate (1785–90). (Died 1790, aged 62.)
Jan 29, 1728
John Gay’s ballad opera The Beggar’s Opera was performed for the first time, at Lincoln’s Inn Fields Theatre in London, England.
Jan 10, 1778
Death of Carl Linnaeus, Swedish botanist and taxonomist.
Best known for devising the modern binomial system of naming organisms (i.e. genus species, e.g. Homo sapiens).
Known as the “father of modern taxonomy.” (Stroke, aged 70.)
Jan 8, 1778
British explorer Captain James Cook became the first recorded European to discover Hawaii, which he named the Sandwich Islands.
He was killed there a year later when he attempted to kidnap the ruling chief of the island of Hawaii after one of his boats was stolen.
Jan 8, 1828
The Democratic Party was founded in the USA.
Jan 25, 1828
Death of Lady Caroline Lamb, Anglo-Irish aristocrat and novelist.
Noted for her affair with the poet Lord Byron.
Her husband, William Lamb, became British Prime Minister after her death.
(Edema and drug/alcohol abuse, aged 42.)
Jan 4, 1853
American farmer and musician Solomon Northrup was granted his freedom from slavery. He had been drugged, kidnapped and sold as a slave twelve years earlier. The slave trader who sold him was acquitted because Northrup, a black man, was prohibited from testifying against him. His memoir Twelve Years a Slave became a best-seller, and was adapted into a movie in 2013.
Jan 6, 1853
Birth of André Michelin, French industrialist. Co-founder of the Michelin Tire Company (with his brother Édouard). Publisher of the Michelin Guide.
(Died 1931, aged 78.)
Jan 19, 1853
Giuseppe Verdi’s opera Il trovatore (The Troubadour) was performed for the first time, in Rome, Italy.

Sample page (sorted by date)

Jan 1, 1903
The first undersea telegraph cable between San Francisco, California and Honolulu, Hawaii began operating.
Over the following months, the cable was extended to Midway Atoll, Guam, and the Philippines. U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt sent the first transpacific telegraph message on July 4, 1903.
Jan 1, 1928
Birth of Ernest Tidyman, American novelist and screenwriter. Best known for creating the character John Shaft, and for his screenplays for the movies Shaft and The French Connection.
(Died 1984, aged 56, alcoholism.)
Jan 1, 1928
The first air-conditioned office building, the Milam Building, opened in San Antonio, Texas.
Jan 1, 1948
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) went into effect.
It was superseded by the World Trade Organization in 1995.
Jan 1, 1948
Benelux came into effect.
It is a politico-economic union of Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.
Jan 1, 1948
The Constitution of Italy came into effect. Enrico De Nicola, the Provisional Head of State of Italy, became its first President.
Jan 1, 1948
Britain’s “Big Four” railroad companies were nationalized to form British Railways.
(Renamed British Rail in 1965.)
It was gradually privatized between 1994 and 1997 and its operations are now owned by more than 100 separate companies.
Jan 1, 1953
Death of Hank Williams., American country music/blues singer, songwriter and guitarist.
(Heart failure, aged 29, following years of alcohol and prescription drug abuse.)
Jan 1, 1958
The European Economic Community (EEC or Common Market) began operating.
It was incorporated into the European Union (EU) in 1993 as the European Community (EC).
Jan 1, 1958
Chinese leader Mao Zedong announced the Great Leap Forward, a five-year plan to transform China from an agrarian economy into a socialist society via rapid industrialization and collective farming.
The plan failed and the economy shrank. Tens of millions died from mass killings, starvation and forced labor. The Great Leap was halted two years early, in 1961.
Jan 1, 1968
Color television licenses were introduced in the UK.
They cost £10 ($12.25) per year. Black and white licenses were £5 ($6.15).
Jan 1, 1968
ABC Radio was split into four separate networks:
Contemporary, Entertainment, Information, and FM.
Jan 1, 1978
The Copyright Act of 1976 came into effect in the USA.
It forms the basis of all current U.S. copyright laws.
Jan 1, 1978
Air India Flight 855 crashed into the Arabian Sea off Mumbai, India.
All 213 passengers and crew were killed.
(Cause: instrument failure leading to the pilot’s spatial disorientation, which led him to make a series of errors as he attempted to regain control.)

Reminder: the e-book edition includes both versions: chronological and sorted by date, plus a free Excel spreadsheet.

Customer reviews

Browse through the dates and names and let your imagination go in to overdrive. These are “must have” lists for you reference library. The allure of these people, places and times are indeed a Pandora’s Box for the enquiring mind of storytellers everywhere. Just the gift for a fellow writer.
Frances Johnson, Gold Coast Writers’ Association, Queensland, Australia.

What a magnificent tool. It’s easy to find out what happened on a particular day or month. Or you can dip straight in and find something to write about and, with your own added research, submit your work well ahead of the game. The information can also be used for quizzes, authenticating historical articles, and a multitude of other formats. Go for it!
Dee Watson, Writer, Editor, Proofreader and Reviewer

Magazines have notoriously long lead-in times, so if you’re an aspiring (or indeed successful) writer of articles you need to be looking well ahead for that all-important “hook” to get the editor interested. That’s where The Date-A-Base Book comes in. Hundreds of notable events, births, deaths, anniversaries of myriad kind from 10 years ago to 1000 years ago. Whatever your area of interest you’ll find something in here to get you started, or to flesh out your background or your characters, or to use in your marketing. The only problem with it is that you might get too engrossed in the who, what, where, and when to actually do any writing.
Lesley Mason

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