Historical Anniversaries in 2023 to 2027 – available now

Newsworthy, notable and fact-checked!

Great ideas for articles, TV, radio, films, documentaries, events, exhibitions, and more

Historical anniversaries in 2023 to 2027 - The Date-A-Base Book series from ideas4writers

Now available: all of these, including the brand new 2027 edition.

£12.95 / $15.99 each.
Available as e-books (PDF) or printed paperbacks in British and American editions.

Order yours at ideas4writers.com

These specially selected newsworthy and notable historical anniversaries in 2023 to 2027 are the perfect ideas source for:

“On this day in history” articles
TV/radio features
films and documentaries
events and exhibitions
and more

The ideal reference book and ideas source for:

Writers and journalists
● TV/radio producers and broadcasters
Production companies
● Exhibition planners
Bloggers, podcasters and more

Whether you’re a writer or journalist writing for the year ahead, a producer or director working on shows that will be broadcast in the next two or three years, or a production company working on productions four or five years ahead, we’ve got you covered.

Newsworthy, notable, relevant and accurate

We’ve selected only the relevant anniversaries for each year – for example those that are 25, 50, 75 and 100 years old* not those that are 22, 71 or 96 years old. We’ve also selected people and events that are newsworthy, notable and well worth writing about.

And of course every anniversary has been cross-checked with official sources for complete accuracy.

(*We cover a much wider range of dates that this, ranging from 10 years ago to more than 1,000 years ago.)

Find out more . . .

Find out more, see some sample pages, and download last year’s edition for free at ideas4writers.com


If you buy more than one edition of the ebook version at the same time, you’ll receive a discount!
(Example: add the 2023 edition to your shopping cart and you’ll be offered 20% off each of the later editions.)

(The discount does not apply to the printed version.)